Quality & Environment
Responsibility for the future through sustainable development

This is an important principle of our activities. The long-term securing of the economic success of our company goes hand in hand for us with aiming at the best possible protection of the environment. This is applicable to the development of new products as well as to the use of efficient and resource-saving production processes.
Using regular agreements, reviews and assessments of quality, environmental protection and safety targets, Pickhardt & Gerlach promotes a permanent improvement process to secure the location and the future of our company.

DIN EN ISO 14001:2015
We live in close contact with nature not only due to our location right in the middle of the green Sauerland and in the immediate vicinity to the river Lenne, but also our aspiration towards sustainable activities which determines our day-to-day work. We are aware of the fact that it is impossible to completely avoid emissions, waste water and waste during the production of electrolytically treated steel strips. But the continuous modernization and further development of the environmentally friendly production processes of Pickhardt & Gerlach will continuously improve our environmental impact.

DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
The long-term satisfaction of customers is a priority goal for Pickhardt & Gerlach. For this purpose, the quality of the products, processes and services, the environmental protection and the safety must be permanently guaranteed. We ourselves are responsible for the quality of the services rendered by us. This is why we leave nothing to chance. In order to guarantee a uniform quality of the plating surface, we use an inline measuring system for layer thickness in each plating line, checking and automatically controlling the plating process in accordance with strict specifications.

DIN EN ISO 50001:2015
The decision for the introduction of an Energy Management System and its Certification acc. to ISO 50001 in 2017 had been based on the development of our Integrated Management System for quality, environmental protection and safety. For this purpose, our efforts for the continuous increase of energy efficiency have been integrated into company policies and thus into the targets of the company.
The systematic recording and monitoring of energy usage and regular meetings of the energy management team are designed to determine energy saving potentials and finally, generate the basis for investment decisions in energy efficiency. The energy management system enables us to fulfill the energy policies defined and to continuously improve our energetic performance through a systematic approach.